Thursday, November 17, 2005

I created this site originally to leave comments on the blog of a friend. But I have been contemplating starting a new blog for some time now. And I have the perfect name: Quodlibetica. Quodlibet means: "Either a topic for (or exercise in) philosophical or theological discussion, or a light-hearted medley of well-known tunes."
The same site has a commentary of this definition:
These disputations, often on subtle points of logic or religious doctrine, were frequently exercises or improvised oral examinations for students, in the same spirit as moots (mock court cases) are for the legal fraternity. This may be why this Latin word was given to them, as it derives from quod, what, plus libet, it pleases, so roughly “what pleases you” or “as you like”. It seems to have had much the same idea behind it as the modern hand-waving whatever—argue away, the word seems to be saying, the result is of little consequence.

I like this name because it is related to the Dominican practice of disputatio or disputation. It also is a Latin title, which in the blogosphere indicates that the author is Roman Catholic (which I proudly am). I also love music and the word is closely tied to music. My intent is to investigate the mundane: to apply philosophical tools to the everyday.


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